Sunday, September 6, 2009

white as snow

Clense me oh lord, to the point im as white as snow.
the bird has been locked in that cage to long
But because of your grace, love and mercy you
have set me free and you have opened the cage

to the opressed. praise you oh god!
for you are my redeemer and my rock.

Love one another as i have loved you.

Yesterday as i was watching t.v i came across pastor andy stanley. His sermon was about "staying inlove". and he was focusing on what jesus had said about loving one another as he had loved us and also focused on philipians 2. I was just thinking about how true that is. We dont know how to love one another like jesus loved us. He left aside what he was. He was god! but he was much more interested in having a relationshi with us, how it was intended to be. He was obedient. If you go back to genesis you can clearly see that god intended us to be in fellowship with him. the purpose of us was to share our life and be devoted to god and be able to see him but of course because of sin he has hide from us because he can not stand before sin.

When it comes to being in a relationship, Has it not become who is better? who is right? who is the smarter one in the relationship? we dont humble ourselves before our husbands, our wives ,boyfriend/girlfriend. How then can we humble ourselves before god? of course loving is to care for the other above yourself.just like when you have a child. Your main priority is loving that child and protecting it and it becomes More important than yourself. But i have seen not only in my own family with my mother and father how they argue sometimes and they wish to be smarter or it becomes about who is right. Its so simple to fall inlove but its so hard to stay inlove. Jesus died for you , he humbled himself , he didnt say oh sorry, im not going to forgive you of your sins cuz you dont listen to me, or you rather play hockey then spend time with me. God is also knocking at our door when we are too busy for god, because apreantly we dont have enough time for the one who saved our lives, who suffered so much pain so we could forgiven in order to have a fellowship with him.and when things go wrong with our relationships we ask him why our significant other is being a pain in the donkey and doesnt understand and this and that and all you do is complain. Im sure what he would reply is, love him/her as i have loved you. dont make yourself more important that the other, dont be interested in things only you are intrested in. Is not being in a relationship or married being One in christ? if your going to be one in christ shouldnt you know the other person and what they like, and all that suff? When will we learn to not be full of ourselves,and learn to love eachother like jesus did. It breaks my heart to see so many marriages fail because of this one simple command. to love one another like jesus did. why is it so hard to follow? i just pray for everyone and i seriously pray that god will be able to heal our hearts and really show us how to love like he loves us.

these are just some of my thoughts on this sermon and topic.
thanks for reading :)